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Welcome to Pointed Psalms Online. This will be a website which allows you to select a psalm, answer a few preference questions and then produce a psalm fully pointed for you to print out and use. This means you can produce psalms pointed how you like, and gives you the freedom to change as much as you like manually before you print. Unfortunately, it is still under development, so nothing is here yet, but come back soon, and you will see lots more!

Update! - You will see a log-in box on the right, added on 23rd February 2006. The system is not perfectly finished yet, so there is not a sign-up section, but if you would like a free account to try out what we've got so far, please email me: earlybirds @ pointedpsalms.co.uk.

The system has been moved to a new server, February 2011. Not much else has changed in 5 years, but if you have any problems, email me on dansoper @ cantab.net